Belgian University Launches Taylor Swift-Inspired Course: Would You Enroll?

The literary prowess of Taylor Swift’s discography is the focus of a new literature course at Ghent University in Belgium, further demonstrating the singer’s poetic brilliance. This autumn, students can enroll in the course “Literature: Taylor’s Version,” which is taught by assistant professor Elly McCausland. Professor McCausland claims that Swift’s lyrics and the English literature she had long studied have similarities, which is what motivated her to start this specific course. She told The Guardian, “What I want to do is show kids that even if these texts might seem difficult, they can be easy if we look at them from a little different position.

Shakespeare, in a strange sense, is actually raising many of the same issues that Taylor Swift is now, she continued. Though he is. The seminar will cover a variety of subjects, including literary feminism, ecocriticism, and fan studies. Swift frequently references canonical literary works in her music, which will be utilized as a jumping-off point to examine its literary foundations, according to a CNN article on the syllabus.

Regardless of whether one is a fan of the singer or not, anyone can sign up for this course. Participants are urged to critically assess Taylor Swift’s work as a writer and artist throughout the course. The idea behind the course is to use the singer’s music as a gateway into a body of literature that could have had a big impact on her writing.

“I’ve never had as many emails from eager students requesting permission to enroll in the course. Additionally, there are non-students who wish to engage in some way but are not affiliated with the university, according to McCausland” , who spoke to the Guardian.




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