82% employees now want to work from home- study shows remote working is the new normal.

For the last few months, the global pandemic has caused much disruption in the way we do business, leading to a shift to remote working for the majority of companies. A recent study has found that 82% of employees now want to work from home, and it’s clear that remote working is indeed becoming the … Read more

About Cigna health insurance review 2023 !

Cigna is a global health service company that has been providing health insurance coverage to individuals and families for almost a century. As one of the largest health insurance companies in the world, Cigna has a reputation for providing comprehensive, quality coverage for its members. In 2022, Cigna announced a series of improvements to its … Read more

A manufacturing led model for India can have a effects on services – ‘ Teflon coated growth’

In recent years, India has been rapidly advancing in the manufacturing industry, making it one of the most important economic sectors of the country. This has resulted in an influx of jobs and investments in the country, thereby boosting economic growth. The manufacturing sector has been the major contributor to India’s GDP and has also … Read more

“Things everyone should know before investing”!

Investing is a crucial part of planning for your financial future. It can help you build wealth, achieve financial security and enjoy the rewards of a comfortable retirement. But before you start investing, there are some important facts you should know. (1). Understand the risks and rewards of investing. Investing involves risk and there is … Read more

How to choose the best health insurance policy with restoration benefits!!

When it comes to health and wellbeing, having the right health insurance policy is essential. With so many different policies available, it can be difficult to choose the best health insurance policy for you and your family. One of the most important factors to consider when selecting a health insurance policy is restoration benefits. Restoration … Read more

How a senior citizen can save taxes on medical bills?

How a senior citizen can save taxes on medical bills?

Aging gracefully is a journey marked with wisdom, experience, and unfortunately, medical expenses. As a senior citizen, navigating the maze of medical bills can be overwhelming, but did you know that there are tax deductions available to help alleviate some of the financial burden? In this article, we will explore various strategies that senior citizens … Read more

Best health insurance in the United States You must Know!

Best health insurance in United States You must Know!

Best health insurance in the United States You must Know! Health insurance is an important part of living in the United States. It’s an investment in your health and well-being, and it’s a protection against unexpected medical expenses. With so many health insurance options available in the U.S., it can be difficult to know which … Read more

How to Get Adsense Approval easily in 2022?