What is Maharatna and different types of companies?

What is Maharatna and different types of companies

Maharatna companies are among the top-level companies in India and are recognized for their sheer size and scale of operations. A Maharatna company is one that has been identified by the Government of India as an ‘Industrial Conglomerate’. It is a recognition bestowed upon companies that have achieved significant scale through their performance, size, and … Read more

Is Bitcoin is ridiculous and Blockchain is dangerous?

Bitcoin is ridiculous, Blockchain is dangerous

Bitcoin and blockchain technology have been the hottest topics of discussion in recent years. While some have hailed them as revolutionary forms of currency and technology, others are far more skeptical. In this blog, we’ll take a look at why some people think Bitcoin is ridiculous and why blockchain technology is dangerous. Before we start, … Read more

Working from home can benefit employers as much as employees

Working from home has become an increasingly popular way of working, and it’s easy to see why. It can be hugely beneficial to both employers and employees. Here we look at how employers and employees can benefit from working from home. For employers, the main benefit of allowing employees to work from home is the … Read more

Credit availability and credit scores after bankruptcy

Credit availability and credit scores after bankruptcy

Financial hardship can be a difficult thing to deal with and can leave a lasting impact on your personal finances. One of the most damaging impacts of financial hardship can be a bankruptcy filing. While bankruptcy is a difficult process to go through, it can ultimately lead to a better financial future. A bankruptcy can … Read more

The impact of working from home during COVID-19 on work and life domains

The past several months have seen a significant shift in the ways of working and living across the globe as a result of the COVID -19 pandemic. To contain the spread of the virus, governments and organizations have encouraged people to work remotely and adopt social distancing practices. This has led to a dramatic increase … Read more

A rapid review of mental and physical health effects of working at home: how do we optimize health?

A rapid review of mental and physical health effects of working at home: how do we optimize health? The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many people to work from home, leading to a dramatic increase in the number of employees working remotely. In the past year, more than one in three workers have shifted to working … Read more

How to Get Adsense Approval easily in 2022?