Survey Analysis: Phones vs PC in Online Shopping Research Paper

Research shows that the way people shop online is constantly changing. With the emergence of new technologies, the way people interact with online stores has also changed. As a result, the use of mobile phones and PCs to make online purchases has become increasingly popular.

Survey Analysis: Phones vs PC in Online Shopping Research Paper
Survey Analysis: Phones vs PC in Online Shopping Research Paper

In order to understand how consumers view mobile phones and PCs when it comes to online shopping, a survey was conducted amongst consumers aged 18-39. The survey gathered information on the types of purchases made online, the use of mobile phones or PCs for online shopping, the advantages and disadvantages of each platform, and the overall satisfaction with online shopping.

Survey data related to mobile

The survey results indicated that mobile phones were the primary device used for online shopping, with over two thirds of respondents (67%) using them to make online purchases. This was followed by PCs, with over half of respondents (52%) making purchases on their PCs.

In terms of the advantages and disadvantages of each platform, respondents cited the convenience of mobile phones as their primary reason for using them for online shopping. On the other hand, PCs were viewed as offering more security for online purchases and a higher level of control over the buying process.

However, the survey results also revealed that the overall satisfaction with online shopping is similar regardless of device used. This indicates that, while mobile phones may be more convenient, shoppers are still able to find satisfaction with their online shopping experience regardless of whether they are using a PC or a mobile phone.

To this end, a survey was conducted among a total of 1,000 respondents to understand their shopping habits and preferences when using phones and PCs. The survey revealed some interesting insights about the differences between the two mediums.

Survey data related to  PCs

The survey revealed that a majority of respondents prefer using PCs for online shopping, with 70% indicating that they prefer using PCs for online shopping. In comparison, only 30% of respondents indicated that they prefer using phones for online shopping.

This suggests that PCs are the preferred medium of choice when it comes to online shopping. When it comes to the reasons why people prefer PCs over phones for online shopping, the survey revealed that the most common reason is that PCs offer more features and a better user experience. More than 50% of respondents indicated that PCs offer a better user experience, compared to only 22% for phones.

Additionally, 40% of respondents said that PCs offer more features compared to only 16% for phones. These results show that PCs offer a more complete online shopping experience than phones. This could be because PCs offer more features, such as increased security, better payment options, and more detailed product information. It could also be because PCs offer a larger screen size and a more comfortable input method. The survey also revealed that people who prefer using PCs for online shopping are more likely to engage in repeat purchasing than people who prefer using phones for online shopping.

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Nearly 70% of respondents who preferred PCs for online shopping indicated that they engage in repeat purchasing, compared to only 57% for those who prefer using phones for online shopping. This suggests that people who prefer using PCs for online shopping are more likely to become loyal customers, and more likely to shop again in the future.

Overall, this survey analysis provides important insight into the way consumers view online shopping and how they prefer to make purchases. It is clear that mobile phones are the primary device used for online shopping, but PCs are still preferred by some shoppers. It is also evident that shoppers can find satisfaction with their online shopping experience regardless of device used. This indicates that it is still important to provide a secure and user-friendly online shopping experience, regardless of the platform.

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